Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Update

The co-patron of this blog, St. Gregory the Great, now has a new image. May St. Peter's Basilica forgive me, but I cropped an image of St. Gregory's altar. The story behind the painting captivated me more than all the other artwork in the Basilica. So, I have my co-patron in an image dear to me.

Here is the story: ...Some ambassadors [were} coming to Rome for relics, Gregory took a linen cloth which had been applied to the body of a saint, and enclosing it in a box gave it to them. While on their journey home they were curious to see the contents of the box; and finding nothing within it but the cloth, returned to St. Gregory complaining that he had deceived them. On this he took the cloth, laid it on the altar, prayed, pricked it with a knife, the cloth shed blood, and the astonished ambassadors reverently took back the box.

I often reflect on all the third class relics anyone can acquire and make them think it is just another hyped prayer card or booklet. With the eyes of faith, may we see as the doubters did on the day they returned to St. Gregory the Great for an explanation.

Decision to make the Camino Frances

Well, I bought tickets to and from Iberia to make the Camino Frances, or Way of St. James Pilgrimmage. My point of origin will be St. Jean Pied de Port, a small town along the France-Spain border. The trek to Compostela will be around 775km. I am looking forward to that time to be a period of renewal and greater focus on entry into the novitiate at St. Vincent Archabbey this July. Other fun stops along the way will be arriving in Barcelona, perhaps Monserrat and a day or two in Toulouse or other places along the way to my Camino start-point. Lourdes and Fatima will be also definite stops in my trip immediately before and shortly after completing the Camino. I'm excited to see how things turn out and what diferences I will see in spiritual growth during the 50 or so day trip.