Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blessing at Montserrat, onward to France

Today I needed sleep because of my time-tables being out of whack from travel. I had the opportunity to go to confession today and made it to the vigil mass for Divine Mercy Sunday last night, so I am doing well to heed Our Lord´s command to St. Faustina for receiving the mercy of God. In tangible ways this is happening. First, confession. That´s a great sign of God´s mercy. The penance included a recitation of the Salve Regina, which brought my mind back to the gift from Mary: Jesus ( God the Father´s Mercy). The confessor directed me to the porter and he to a Fr. Josemaria, once a pilgrim. He told me not to worry about getting around in the EU and that the routes into France are quite accessible from Barca. Receiving his prayer of blessing as I head back to Barca to catch a train or bus, I am filled with a great sense of peace that I didn´t have yesterday. This still hasn´t answered how I leave out of Lisbon Portugal with a Spain entry stamp, but I have time to work that one out while walking. Through grace way say As St. Faustina did: Jesus, I trust in you.

An interesting note is that Fr. Josemaria knew of St. Vincent Archabbey. I am sure I butchered Archabbey in Spanish when I asked him for a blessing as I get a few steps closer to beginning the Camino but he quickly said Sant Vincent and smiled.

May God have Mercy on us all!

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