Saturday, April 25, 2009

currently in Cizur menor

I made it over the Pyrennes mountains from St. Jean to Roncevalles and spent the night in a 100 bed albergue, or refuge for pilgrims. The 25 kilometers was a climb of almost 1 mile, or 1.5 kilometers. It gets cold up there! The place I stayed was an old hospital for the 13th century Augustinian canons that live there. The following day I pushed onto Larrasoana for a total of 48 to 50 kilometers of 800 complete. Today I passed through Pamplona, the city where the running of the bulls occurs in June-July, not sure. I stopped in the cathedral to visit the diocesan museum, church, and cloister. The church is a beautiful Romanesque one that is now heavily overladen with Gothic accretions.

The city I am in today is called Cizur Menor, the one just beyond Pamplona. The albergue is a famous one, the Roncal Family one. If I could gain access to a port to upload pictures I´d do so but I am finding most places wont allow it. Along the way Ive met a lot of very nice people and have walked with a few South Korean guys along the way. Tonight we are making spaghetti with meat sauce since this albergue has a kitchen. It´s a lot nicer than most, which is evident by their future wing of a very impressive place already. Not bad for only 8 euros!

Tomorrow I am walking over the Alto de Perdon, where there are some wind powered fans and a cool display of figures making pilgrimage that one can pose with. A little after the hill, the Camino Frances meets up with the one for those who started in Arles or beyond, the Camino Aragonese.

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