Friday, May 1, 2009

Almost went to jail

So I am walking along the Camino and come to the Catedral de Santo Domingo de la Calzada. I want to go in and see it. Only thing is I have to go through this Church and ¨Sacrament¨ amusement park to get through. I figure, no big deal. Then I see the ¨Virtual Baptism¨ and ¨Confess your Sins¨ machine. I was about two seconds from running through all of the crap in what once was the cathedral cloister to find the Blessed Sacrament, empty the altars of their relics, and continue down the Camino. I did not do this but I have the photos to prove all of this.
Trying to find the Blessed Sacrament was impossible so I left. No wonder the Spainiards have 0.9 kids per family and no vocations to the priesthood...

Most of the machines we have do not allow USB plug-ins. All of the photos, it seems, will have to wait for Burgos, only 2 days away, or another suitable place if I don´t squeeze in time in a chat cafe.

Rain or grey is the theme right now. I don´t mind it since it keeps the body temp down as you walk. I laugh at the people huddled under ponchos in a drizzle. Drones.

My left knee is perpetually sore around the patella. The top of both of my feet to the immediate front of my ankle´s outer side on my legs are in bad shape. Only by going 5km per hour with 30 pounds on my back does it feel any better.

Last night I stayed in the Albergue (pilgrim refuge) located in the parish of St. John the Baptist in Gronon, Rioja Province. The albergue is in the bell tower, so we all prepared the meal, went to mass (very powerful reminder to all the people here that the Camino is a Catholic and Religious pilgrimage: Thank you, Padre!), and slept on the floor. It was cool and I felt like I was in that scene from Saving Private Ryan when they stayed for a while in the French church.

A few days ago I talked to a very weird religion-free Italian hermit. Thats all I will say: weird.

My list of wine tasting, all from Pais Basque, Navarra, and Rioja regions is coming along. On average I am walking 26-30 kilometers a day over rolling c0untryside. That´s 17-18 miles in Standard US notation.

I am off to pack my bag for the trip tomorrow before lights out and it becomes disrespectful to make any real noise.

Pray for me as I am praying for you!

Santiago (St. James the Apostle), pray for us!

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