Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Currently in Toledo

I jumped on a train last night and went overnight to Madrid and jumped on a 30 minute train to Toledo. It was just too hard to pass up a chance to see the primate church of Spain. Almost 10 minutes after getting off the train I got asked by the local police to show them my passport. HAHA. I do look suspicious with a huge bag on my back and a hiking stick. Oh well.

Tomorrow I am excited about going back into the cathedral for two reasons: first, since I am going for mass, I don´t have to pay 7 euro to enter. Also, the mass will be celebrated according to the Hispano-Mozarabic rite. Huzzah! I did not bring my cord to transfer photos but know of a few places where I can send photos so that is a good thing. Will do so tomorrow, as God wills.

I have not checked out the bus and train schedules to get to Portugal but I am thinking Oporto may be a bust. I am pretty close to Salamanca and Avila and I might jump to one of them for a day. Toledo is large enough, so the idea of spending a few days in Madrid after a half week in Barca at the beginning is too much for me. Lisbon is the last of my ¨big¨ cities to visit. As long as I get to the Santarem-Fatima area by Friday night/Saturday morning all is well.

It is siesta time here, so little is open. I think I am going to take a walk around the walled city and find a decent coffee and view.

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