Saturday, May 2, 2009

Way too far today, but in Burgos for Sunday

I intended to take two known breaks for a full day along the Camino Frances, a 776km walk. The first is in Burgos, 490km from Santiago. The second is Leon, about 310km from Santiago. Initially I planned on stopping with Marcus, the 20 year old German guy I have been doing a lot of walking with the past 5 days to a town about 12km/6.5 mi. from the Burgos Cathedral. He took a wrong turn-I let him, since I really wanted to be here in Burgos for Sunday mass. The day was killer: I felt like my feet were swelling to death but we are less than 200 meters from the Cathedral at the 3 Euro (4 Dollar) albergue for pilgrims that a lot of people don´t know about. The showers were great and we ate a pretty cheap dinner off of the menu selections. Over here in Europe you can get the menu instead of la carta but its usually not near as good. I would normally splurge after arriving here but did not want to seem like I was outdoing our going out. It has been good to walk with Marcus but I am glad to be on my own starting Monday after I get a day in of being a tourist.

As of today, I have finished 12 days/stages in my 33 day book to get to Santiago in 10 days. That puts me in a good position to really follow the book and take it easy now that I am alone or to go fast when I have a planned stop for a significant amount of time (in Camino time that is enough time to start to cramp up from stopping walking, but for the sake of posterity I will call this 1 hour).

Santiago, Pray for Us!

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