Sunday, May 24, 2009

A lot of things since Castrojeriz

So a lot of things have occurred since I last posted about Castrojeriz. I passed through Leon, over the steepest (though not longest) hill of the trip, O Cebreiro, entered Galicia, visited a 10th century Mozarabic Church off the Camino in Ponferrada, made it to Sarria, survived the epidemic also known as Spainairds who get the same Compostella certificate for their 100km vacation as other pilgrims do for 400, 800, 1800 km walks, and arrived in Santiago to pay homage to St. James on Saturday. Deo Gratias! My feet and body are in pretty good shape.
Tomorrow I will head off with a few of the people I´ve walked with over the past month to Finisterre, what was once known as the End of the World before European explorers screwed it all up and proved something existed between Portugal/Spain and India, the Americas. After that, I am not sure what I am going to do besides return to Santiago. You meet so many people you walk with and have a beer here, a cafe con leche there, that you lose track of time and all the bookstores are closed on Sunday. So, I will have to come back to Santiago on Monday evening/Tuesday morning. In any event, I was going to have to leave from Santiago for anywhere since it is the hub in Galicia (Northwest Spain) to get to anywhere. I am thinking about a two to four day diversion to Toledo via bus or train through Madrid. After Barcelona, I want to avoid the other big city and go see beautiful and diverse Toledo. Others have affirmed my course to pass through Oporto prior to Fatima and Lisbon in Portugal because of the good time the place is following a long walk. I will figure it all out by tomorrow. As time permits I will get more photos posted of the trip and eventually create a Picasa site or something similar for photo sharing. Most of the Chat and Internet cafes I find along the Camino do not allow for much USB plug-ins, and though this one does, it is somehow disabled. So, I am without a computer.

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